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Possums vs. Opossums: How to Spot the Differences in Looks and Lifestyle

Possums and opossums are often confused due to their similar names, but these two animals are quite different in appearance, behavior, and habitat. If you’re dealing with a potential wildlife issue, knowing the difference is crucial for appropriate action, including humane possum removal in Australia.

This article will guide you through the key distinctions between possums and opossums, helping you understand their unique traits and how to address any concerns they may cause on your property.

Possums vs. Opossums: Key Differences

Although possums and opossums share similar-sounding names, they belong to entirely different families and regions.

1. Habitat

  • Possums: Native to Australia and surrounding islands, possums thrive in trees, gardens, and even urban areas. Common species include the brushtail and ringtail possums.
  • Opossums: Found in North and South America, opossums prefer wooded areas but can adapt to urban environments. The Virginia opossum is the most recognized species.

2. Appearance

  • Possums: Possums typically have a rounder face, large pointed ears, and thick, soft fur that varies in colour from grey to brown. Their prehensile tails help them climb trees, and they often look cuter and less intimidating than their American counterparts.
  • Opossums: Opossums have a more rat-like appearance with narrow faces, small ears, and coarse fur. Their tails are long, scaly, and hairless, and their overall look is less fluffy than possums.

3. Behavior

  • Possums: Possums are nocturnal and arboreal, meaning they spend most of their time in trees. They are generally shy, making soft grunting or hissing noises when threatened.
  • Opossums: Opossums are also nocturnal but are ground dwellers. They are famous for “playing dead” as a defense mechanism, a trait not shared by possums.

How to Identify Possums on Your Property

If you suspect possum activity in your home or garden, here are some common signs:

  1. Noises: Scratching, thumping, or grunting sounds at night, especially in your roof or attic.
  2. Droppings: Possum droppings are oval-shaped, about 1-2 centimetres long, and usually found near feeding or nesting areas.
  3. Damage: Chewed vegetation, stripped fruit trees, or disturbed garden beds are clear indicators of possum presence.

Identifying possums correctly is important before proceeding with any possum removal steps to ensure the appropriate and humane handling of these native animals.

Legal Considerations for Possum Removal in Australia

 Possums get protection by legal act in Australia : 

  • It is illegal to harm or kill possums.
  • If possums are causing problems, they must be removed humanely and released within 50 metres of their capture site.

Always consult local wildlife authorities or hire licensed professionals for possum removal to ensure compliance with the law.

What to Do If You Have Possums

If possums are causing issues on your property, here’s what you can do:

  1. Install Possum Boxes: Encourage possums to move out of your roof by providing alternative shelters in nearby trees.
  2. Seal Entry Points: Inspect your home for gaps or holes and seal them securely to prevent access.
  3. Use Natural Deterrents: Camphor, garlic spray, or motion-activated lights can help discourage possums from returning.
  4. Contact a Professional: If the problem persists, reach out to licensed possum removal experts for humane and effective solutions.

Call to Action

Struggling with possum activity on your property? Don’t let these native creatures disrupt your peace. Contact a licensed possum relocation expert today to ensure a safe and humane resolution. Protect your home while maintaining harmony with Australia’s unique wildlife.


While possums and opossums may sound alike, their differences in appearance, behavior, and habitat make them easy to distinguish. If you’re dealing with possums in Australia, it’s essential to understand their traits and follow legal guidelines for their removal.

By identifying possums correctly and taking the right steps to manage their presence, you can safeguard your home and garden while ensuring the welfare of these protected animals.

Published on: January 23, 2025